Goedgevulde biceps, een perfect symmetrische sixpack en die felbegeerde V-vorm. Arie bezit ze allemaal en dit is wat hij ervoor moet doen:

Dag 1: total body-workout
deadlifts: 3 sets, 12-16x
weighted lunges: 3 sets, 12-16x per been
strict pull-ups, wide grip: 3 sets, 12-16x
dumbbell press: 3 sets, 12-16x
hammer curls: 3 sets, 12-16x per arm
triceps extensions: 2 sets, 12-16x
shoulder press, barbell: 3 sets, 12-16x
windshield wipers (abs): 3 sets, 20x

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Dag 2: total body-workout
deadlifts: 3 sets, 12-16x
one leg press: 3 sets, 12-16x per been
kipping pull-ups: 3 sets, 20-25x
benchpress: 3 sets, 12-16x
incline isolation curls: 3 sets, 12-16x
weighted dips: 3 sets, 12-16x
dumbbell shoulder press: 3 sets, 12-16x
toes to bar (abs): 3 sets, 15x

Dag 3: hot yoga

Dag 4: total body-workout
deadlifts: 3 sets, 12-16x
split squats: 3 sets, 12-16x per been
chest to bar pull-ups: 3 sets, 10-12x
incline dumbbell press: 3 sets, 12-16x
biceps cable curls: 3 sets, 12-16x per arm
triceps overhead extensions: 3 sets, 12-16x
knees to chest: 3 sets, 25x

Dag 5: speeltuin en stretchen
20 minuten conditie (roeien, boksen, fietsen etc.)
20 minuten stretching (mobility, yoga etc.)
handstand + handstandwalk
calisthenics tugs (rings & bars)

Dag 6: total body-workout
deadlifts: 3 sets, 12-16x
goblet squats: 3 sets, 12-16x
chin-ups: 3 sets, 15-20x
cable crosses: 3 sets, 12-16x
dumbbell curls: 3 sets, 12-16x
weighted dips: 3 sets, 12-16x
side raises: 3 sets, 12-16x
around the worlds (abs): 3 sets, 12x

Dag 7: wandelen

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